NY- Did Larry David Buy at the Plaza?

I could not confirm it but this might be Larry David being given something, maybe a script, by the doorman at the new Plaza Hotel. Rumor has it that the new single Larry might have bought one of the ultra luxury hotel condominiums for a new girlfriend. Take a look at these pictures, that’s just got to be him in his trademark hat and coat entering the lobby. Truly the lense never lies.

NY- Larry David and the Doorman at the Plaza

NY- Larry David and the Doorman at the Plaza

NY- Larry David and the Doorman at the Plaza

NY- Larry David and the Doorman at the Plaza

NY- Larry David and the Doorman at the Plaza

NY- Larry David and the Doorman at the Plaza

NY- Did Larry David Buy at the Plaza?

NY- Larry David and the Doorman at the Plaza

NY- Larry David and the Doorman at the Plaza

NY- Larry David and the Doorman at the Plaza

NY- Larry David and the Doorman at the Plaza

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