Unfortunately, school has left me little time and the cold weather with little motivation to traipse around and shoot pictures for the site. I can assure you it is temporary.

Fortunately a few other great photographers I know have been busy.

Mark Menditto was lucky enough to be at the City Hall’s annual sneak peak of the old subway station which has been closed to the public for years. He got a lot of great stuff that he is willing to license out.

His work is really incredible and can be viewed here at www.mendittophoto.com or here at PhotoShelter.

NY- Mark Menditto- City Hall Subway Station

Also, Stephen Wise has come out with a digital edition of his “Help Me To Live” photo collection. He mixes incredible photographs with a compelling story and an original soundtrack by Bonfiglio in to a phenomenal one-of-a-kind work of art.

I have seen Stephen selling his works on the Upper West Side and have always loved his work. If you are looking for something unique and original visit his website at www. LotusEditions.com and get a copy.

Finally, milo, my favorite web designer and the best theme maker for WordPress, has a new site. Her graphic works are the best and her themes are unmatched.

If you ever want to start a website or publish a blog or just want to see some cool stuff go here, http://3oneseven.com/
and her flash site is cool as hell.

I’ll shoot more pictures soon, stay tuned.
